Jahangirnagar University Exam Date 2021 | Here, the date and schedule of the Jahangirnagar University Honours 1st Year Admission Test for the academic year 2020-2021 has been discussed. The date of the JU admission test 2021 has been published on the university's admissions website juniv-admission.org. Below is the schedule of roll-based admission tests of JU A, B, C, D, E, F units.
The JU admission test for the 2020-2021 academic year will start from November 07, 2021.
JU Admission Exam Date 2021
The date of the admission test of all the units of JU has been finalized. According to the admission notice, the admission test will start on November 07, 2021, and the admission test will end on November 18, 2021. Note, however, that the admission test may vary according to the shift roll but the date will remain the same. The admission test of all units except Bangabandhu Comparative literature or I-unit will be in multiple shifts.
JU Admission Timeline 2021
You know what! A total of 3 lakh 7 thousand 978 students have completed the application process for the admission test for the 2020-2021 academic year against 1 thousand 889 seats.
JU admission routine 2021
Date |
Unit name |
07 and 08 November 2021 |
A unit Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |
09 and 10 November 2021 |
D Unit Faculty of Biology |
11 November 2021 |
H Unit – IIT G Unit – IBA |
14 November 2021 |
B Unit Faculty of Sociology |
15 November 2021 |
F Unit – Faculty of Law I unit – Bangabandhu Comparative Literature |
18 November 2021 |
E Unit – Faculty of Commerce C1 unit – Faculty of Arts and Humanities (Department of Drama and Drama Theory and Fine Arts) |
18 November 2021 |
C unit – Faculty of Arts and Humanities |
Jahangirnagar University Exam Date 2021 PDF Download
Detailed schedule of admission test in the first year undergraduate (honors) class of Jahangirnagar University for the academic year 2020-2021.
Mark Distribution of Admission test of Jahangirnagar University
According to the latest notice, both the quality and time of the JU admission test have been reduced. All the units will have an MCQ examination of 60 marks instead of 80 marks.
Test time has been reduced from 55 minutes to 40 minutes. However, 5 minutes will be given separately to complete the OMR sheet. Also, 0.20 numbers will be deducted for each wrong answer. Pass 20 marks in all units (33% of MCQ number).
Considering the Corona situation, it has been decided to reduce both the full standard and time of the JU admission test. Below is a list of thematic standards for all units according to the new distribution.
Unit A (Faculty of Mathematics and Physics)
- Mathematics - 16
- Physics - 16
- Chemistry - 16
- Bengali - 3
- English - 3
- General knowledge - 6
Unit B (Faculty of Sociology)
- Bengali - 10
- English - 10
- Mathematics - 10
- General knowledge - 20
- IQ / Intelligence - 10
Unit C (Faculty of Arts and Humanities)
- Bengali - 15
- English - 15
- Other subjects related to the faculty - 30
C1 Unit (Drama and Drama Theory and Fine Arts)
- Bengali - 10
- English - 10
- Department of Drama and Drama Theory - 20
- Fine Arts-20
Unit D (Faculty of Biology)
- Bengali-03
- English - 03
- Chemistry - 18
- Botany - 16
- Zoology - 17
- Intelligence - 03
Unit E (Faculty of Business Studies)
For the Department of Business Education
- Bengali - 11
- English-23
- Mathematics-11
- Organization and management in accounting and business - 15
For the Department of Science and Humanities
- Bengali - 11
- English - 23
- Mathematics - 11
- General knowledge - 15
F Unit (Faculty of Law)
- Bengali - 20
- English - 20
- Recent Topics and Intelligence - 20
G Unit (IBA JEU)
- Bengali - 5
- English - 25
- Mathematical Aptitude and IQ - 20
- Recent and analytical issues - 10
H Unit (IIT)
- Bengali - 5
- English - 10
- Mathematics - 30
- Physics - 15
Unit I (Bangabandhu Comparative Literature and Culture Institute)
- Bengali - 11
- English-11
- World Literature - 8
- General Knowledge, Culture, Anthropology, Archeology, Bangabandhu-Liberation War and Bangladesh, History-Tradition - 30
Important information about JU admission
- 1. The circle in the OMR form should be filled in by an ordinary ballpoint pen. Failure to complete the OMR form will result in the cancellation of the answer sheet. Additional OMR forms will not be given to the examinee without logical reason. OMR forms cannot be folded, cut, unwanted, pin-up, or watered.
- 2. In the admission test, the roar number, the day's shift, and the set code part of the recipient should be written in English number and the relevant field should be filled properly. At the end of the test, the question paper has to be submitted to the inspector in OMR Sheet.
- 3. Seats can be obtained from the concerned unit office on the day before the examination or before the commencement of the examination day. It is also available at www.univ.admission.org at www.juniv.edu/admission. Candidates will also be informed about the date and time of the exam through SMS by the university.
- 4, At least 10 minutes before the scheduled time for the start of the test, the candidates to take seats in the designated room of the test center.
- 5. Candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination center with bags, books, mobile phones, watches, calculators, or any other electronic device. There will be uniform arrangements for testing to see the time.
- 6. No one other than the examinee and the person involved in the examination can enter the examination center.
- 7. Admission test results within a maximum of 3 (three) days after the end of the test https://juniv-admission.org/ and can be found from https://juniv-admission.org/. Besides, the results of the examinees will also be announced by the university through SMS.
- 8. At the time of the admission test, the candidate must bring the original registration card of the higher secondary examination and the admission card for the admission test.
- 9. Jahangirnagar University campus is 30 km away from Dhaka city. Therefore, all the candidates who will come from Dhaka city or any other place far away are advised to come to the examination center with sufficient time to avoid traffic jams and other unforeseen calamities. It is pertinent to note that the examinees or their parents cannot come and go on any bus to the university.
Any problems with pictures and signatures should be resolved by emailing juniv.admsn.help@juniv.edu or contacting the Help Center.