This FAQ Schema Generator and LD+JSON Schema Generator can help you quickly create the required structured data for your content to be eligible for display as a rich result in Google search.
These are as simple as possible so you can generate structured data markup in a few clicks. You will not need any coding experience to use these; these tools should work on all mobile and desktop devices.
FAQ Schema Generator
To use 'FAQ Schema Generator', please type your question and answer below. If you want to add more than one FAQ, click the "Add a new question" button to generate more FAQ schema.
Generated FAQ Schema Microdata
CSS for FAQ Schema
/* Accordion */ .showH{margin:1.7em 0;font-size:.93rem;font-family:var(--fontB);line-height:1.7em}{padding:18px 15px;background:var(--contentB);box-shadow:0 5px 35px rgba(0,0,0,.07);margin:20px 0;border-radius:10px} summary{font-weight:700;cursor:default; display:flex;align-items:baseline; transition:var(--trans-1);cursor:pointer} summary::before{content:'\203A'; flex:0 0 25px;display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:flex-start;padding:0 5px; font-weight:400;font-size:1.33rem;color:inherit}[open] summary{color:var(--linkC)}[open] summary::before{transform:rotate(90deg);padding:0 0 0 5px;justify-content:center} summary::before{content:'\002B'; padding:0 2px}[open] summary::before{content:'\2212'} .aC{padding:0 15px;opacity:.9} .drK details.sp, .drK{background:var(--darkBs)} .drK details.sp summary::after{background:var(--darkU)}
Generated FAQ Page LD+JSON schema
FAQ Schema Related QnA
What is FAQPage Schema?
The FAQPage structured data indicates that the page is considered to have a section with Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and answers to those questions. has more info on FAQ structured data and at a Google Dance event in Singapore in July 2018, Google announced they will start using this in search. You can find Google's documentation here.
How can I get FAQ rich results in Google?
Google has started showing pages with FAQ structured data markup (Microdata or JSON-LD) with a rich result in SERPs (search engine result pages) and also reads out your answer on assistant-powered devices(limited to Android phones for now) with Markup Action for the Google Assistant. You do not need any coding experience to use this tool. The video will give you more info on how to use this FAQPage Schema Generator.
Should I choose Prettified OR Minified version?
The tool will give you two versions of the FAQPage JSON-LD Schema code. Either one should work but the minified version has a small advantage when it comes to the performance of your website. That is what I would recommend you use.
Will emojis and HTML tags work with FAQPage Schema?
Google does seem to accept things like emoji and Unicode characters like strikethrough text but according to Google officially the answer section can contain these HTML tags:
headings - h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
links - a
line breaks - br
lists - ol, ul, li
paragraph - p, div
bold - b, strong
italics - i, em
Does FAQ Snippets work on mobile or desktop?
FAQ snippets will work with desktop 🖥 and mobile 📱 search results across all Google supported countries and languages.
How can I get FAQPage to work with Google assistant powered devices?
The FAQPage code generated by this FAQ Page Schema Generator tool will be picked up by both Google Search and Google Assistant-powered devices.
You just need to install it on your page, you can check if it's working as expected by validating the page with Google’s Rich Result Testing tool. You don't need to do anything extra for it to be picked up by Google assistant-powered devices.
How do I create a FAQ schema?
First, you just need to enter the questions in the text box and click on submit then copy the FAQ schema. Open the source code of the related web page where you want this structured data. Add the HTML FAQs and paste this FAQ schema code exactly below the HTML FAQs and you are done.
Does FAQ schema help SEO?
Structured data, specifically FAQ Schema are extremely helpful in making your site more accessible to voice search. It is not only a good SEO practice overall but it helps Google feature elements of your content in various places of search as well as voice search.
What is schema markup generator?
A schema markup generator allows you to enter information about a local business, person, product, event, organization, or website to create a chunk of JSON-LD code to paste into your website's HTML. This generator is simple and easy to use, perfect for website owners of all kinds.
Does FAQ schema increase CTR?
One case study saw an over 50% increase in their CTR after implementing the FAQ schema.
What is schema markup in SEO?
Schema markup, found at, is a form of microdata. Once added to a webpage, schema markup creates an enhanced description (commonly known as a rich snippet), which appears in search results.
How does FAQ schema work?
FAQ schema is code you place on your site that tells search engines “this content is presented in a question and answer format”. When the content is correctly marked up, it means those pages *could* be eligible for rich snippets in the search results and *may* appear in Google Assistant searches.
Why is FAQ structured data important?
A benefit of using the FAQ format is that it can result in doubling or even tripling the amount of space that is occupied by your search result listing. That not only makes a search presence more visible but also knocks a competitor or two off the first page of the search results.